Notices -

Friday 2nd of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Students Boys Lacrosse Lower Field Fri 2 Aug 3.30 - 5.30pm LAI
  MAGS Boys Lacrosse are looking for new or experienced players of all levels to represent MAGS. Beginners are welcome and there is some gear available.

Former MAGS lacrosse captain, Sam Nash, has just returned from playing 2 seasons of lacrosse in USA, and will be running MAGS boys lacrosse training / teaching sessions after school every Friday from 3.30pm - 5pm on the lower fields.
Brings boots and a drink.
The aim is to take a build a MAGS boys lacrosse team to be able to compete in the NZ Secondary Schools Lacrosse Tournament in 2025.
there may also be opportunities for games against Rosmini and Westlake.
If you are interested in playing boys lacrosse for MAGS, please come along this Friday after school, and complete the expression of interest form on this link

All Students Pasifika and Māori English Study Space E16 Mon 10 Jun 3.15pm PEH
  Pasifika and Māori English Study Space!

Starting up Week 7, Monday 10th June 3:15pm to 4:15pm in E16. This space is open for all Pasifika and Māori students from year 9-13. There will be teachers and Senior English students there to assist and mentor, along with light refreshments.

Please note – 11HSA students must attend their HSA tutorials instead.

All Students Poetry journal club N20 Fri 26 Jul 1:30pm SEO
  Poetry bullet journal club, Fridays N20 at lunchtime.

All Students Spelling Club 🐝 E11 Tue 6 Aug 11:10am BRW
  Spelling Club will be back on next week. Congrats to everyone who did the NZ Spelling Bee this week!
If you've been coming along this year, please check that you are a part of the group on Kamar. If you're not, let Miss Barlow know via email, so she can add you to the group:

Notices Staff
All Students Ki O Rahi CRS
  For any student wishing to be considering for the schools Ki O Rahi teams, please register at the below link:

The Seniors (Year 11-13) is on Wednesday 18th September at Bert Henham Reserve in Mount Wellington. Please note this clashes with Year 12/13 practice exams. Students will need to ensure they have no exams on that day to be eligible for selection.

Juniors (Year 9-10) on Wednesday 31st October, venue to be confirmed.

Practices are going to be starting next Wednesday (7th August) on the bottom field by the courts after school.

All Students The Barfoot and Thompson Young Author’s challenge PEH
  The Barfoot and Thompson Young Author’s challenge has started up. The theme this year is “The Choice I made” and entrants are encouraged to write a short story detailing a choice they made (good or bad) and where that choice led them to. The maximum word count for secondary students is 750 words. Entries close: Friday 2 August 2024.

See here for further details:

All Students The Sargeson Short Story Competition PEH
  Entries are open for Aotearoa's richest short story competition, the Sargeson Prize.
The winner of the Secondary Schools Division takes home $2000 and also receives a one-week summer writing residency at the University of Waikato, with travel, accommodation and meals covered, and one-on-one mentoring on their work! Second prize is $1000 and third is $500.

See here for further details:

All Students Writing Anthology PEH
  The English leaders are compiling a collection of excellent student writing pieces to be published at the end of the year. If you have completed, or if you complete a piece of writing this term, that you would like to be considered please email through to your year level's English leaders:
Year 9: Lucia and Lucy (,
Year 10: Bharavi and Divija (,
Year 11: Johnny and Isobel (,
Year 12: Elisabeth and Epeli (,
Year 13: Ryan and Brianna (,

Juniors only Board games and meeting new people LTH
  Do you like board games? Do you like fun? Then we have a space for YOU! Come and hang out at LUNCHTIME on a FRIDAY in MH3. Play games, meet new people, learn new things. See you there. (MAGS Youth worker Ciara)

Juniors only Fred Free Read Aloud Competition PEH
  Are you interested in participating in a competition of elocution and oratory? The English Department will be holding the Fred Free Read Aloud Competition in Term 3. Students will have the chance to compete against each other in the reading aloud of specific texts. No prior experience needed. First place will receive a prize. Complete the following form to register your interest:

Seniors only Kate Edger Foundation creative school competition PEH
  Year 12 and 13 students are invited to enter the 7th annual Kate Edger Foundation Creative School Competition.
The theme this year is “feel the fear…and do it anyway”. This year's theme should challenge and inspire you to share your stories of courage, spontaneity, bravery, creativity, success, overcoming barriers and whatever else has inspired you to just go for it.
Entry options are Artwork, Photography, Poetry, Prose or Video.
There are monetary prizes: 1st prize is $1,000, 2nd prize is $500 and 3rd prize $300.
Entries close 8pm Monday 24th June 2024

See here for further details:

Seniors only Senior Badminton Pairs Competition CGL
  The term 3 senior badminton pairs competition is beginning next week. If you are interested in playing in either our social or competitive grades please sign up using the registration below.

No equipment needed other than sports clothing (Mufti or PE gear) and if you don't have a partner one can be arranged.